The theory was proven correct when after the vault's activation, irradiated Eos quickly became tolerable for human settlement. While investigating the vault on Eos, Pathfinder Ryder theorized that the Remnant may have been attempting to terraform the Heleus Cluster. Carbon dating on the vault structure at Eos indicates the vault went dormant at about a similar time period. Remnant structures found on Habitat 7 have been dated to 300-400 years old, meaning they were constructed during the Initiative's journey to the Heleus Cluster. After some sort of conflict that unleashed the Scourge in Heleus, the Jardaan left the cluster and have not returned since. The Remnant were created by an advanced species possibly native to the Heleus Cluster known as the Jardaan. Turret - static defense around certain Remnant sites.Progenitor - more powerful Destroyer variant that can also manufacture Observers.Observer - basic floating unit employed as a maintenance drone but also armed with a continuous laser.Nullifier - long-range artillery unit that can deploy a barrier to protect itself while it forces targets out of cover.Destroyer - heavy weapons platform guarding important Remnant installations.Creeper - maintenance drone typically found around desolate Remnant sites.Breacher - floating unit used for immobilizing targets or as a suicide bomb.Assembler - basic Remnant unit that can manufacture Breachers.Architect - massive floating wormlike construct that turns hostile when activated.Abyssal - massive wormlike construct inhabiting the deserts of Elaaden.However, some units do employ lossless memory partitioning tricks that may be of use to future artificial intelligence designs. The bots only have rudimentary programming and are not sapient. On detecting non-Remnant, their circuitry patterns turn red and they become hostile until the target is dead or out of range.

On standby, their circuitry patterns glow blue and some may even emit scanning fields from time to time. The bots "bleed" a glowing bluish fluid when shot. The floaters typically have element zero cores to help them levitate. Most of the walkers feature jumpjets on their legs that allow them to traverse elevated terrain. They are typically bulky machines, with the smallest the size of a large pet and the basic units about the size of a small human. The Remnant machines come in many forms, none of which are humanoid but nonetheless suited for their intended function.