The game more or less takes all these styles and mixes them together. One moment your driving to a location, then you will probably have to chase someone followed by a fighting section and possibly even a shootout and car chase. The majority of missions will cycle through a pattern which becomes quite familiar. Sleeping Dogs‘ mission structure is quite interesting to examine. Fortunately, the game included regular checkpoints in its missions so you won’t have far to go to retry. The problem with this is I found it did not always slow down when I needed, leading to irritating mission failures. The game usually slows down enabling you to focus your shots as opposed to driving the car. You can also shoot from the car in any direction. Extra features added to the driving include a ram mechanic, where a press of the X button (on Xbox controller, Square on Playstation) will force your current vehicle to ram the one next to you, a very important feature if your attempting to drive away from the police. As a long time fan of motorcycles it was very refreshing to see Wei Shen put on a helmet when riding one especially since the vast majority of video game motorcycle riders appear to miss this essential safety feature. Driving controls are fine although I found you had to rely more on the hand break to take corners efficiently as opposed to the stand break. If the gun play had been excluded from the game I would have been fine with it. A mission not too far into the campaign has a character explain “you may notice there are not a lot of guns in Hong Kong,” so its interesting that the developers took this into account. I do however, like the games justification for the gun play. Mission sections just turn into cover based shooter segments which feel forced because this is a sandbox game and that’s what the developers felt had to be done. While not terrible, the gun combat just lacks the finesse and satisfaction of using your fists and feet. Then the game goes for the obligatory gun inclusion and this just appears to go a little down hill. I was rather happy with the fighting system of this game, chasing down gang members then throwing there head into an air conditioner unit. You can also grapple enemies and maneuver them to create devastating environmental kills such as impaling guys on sword fish or smashing someone’s head into a urinal which reminds me of a fond scene from the film True Lies with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Once you got the games own rhythm down, I was quite capable even with the odds stacked largely against me, once I got to this stage I felt like Bruce Lee (insert broken table). I found that you had to be very careful with your button presses to begin with. You can attack and counter in a system very similar to the infamous Batman Arkham games, although Sleeping Dogs appears to have its own rhythm to its fighting system. Wei Shen is well versed in martial arts as is every bad guy in this game who you’ll usually take on in large groups. Sleeping Dogs main stand out feature is the hand to hand fighting system. With the game ending open ended and setting up for a sequel, is disappointing since United Front Games has now closed and the chances of seeing this sequel are very slim.Īs with most sandbox games there is a mix of various gameplay styles. There are some emotional moments in the plot with key characters but the ultimate pay off seemed somewhat lackluster. While the story is certainly serviceable and well acted by the voice cast I never felt completely invested. He soon becomes close with the gangs leading you as the player to question who Wei is truly loyal to. Sleeping Dogs is an open world game set in Hong Kong where you play as Wei Shen an undercover cop who is attempting to take down the Triads from the inside. Fortunately for myself and humanity I completed that quest, surprisingly in Sleeping Dogs as well and I’m able to finish off 2016 with my review of the game. I could use the easy excuse where I say I’m too lazy or too busy but I choose to go with the excuse that I was on a long and arduous quest to find twelve jade statues in order to prevent the end of the world by new year. 2016s Game Club selection may as well be renamed “Jam’s gaming bucket list” as the vast majority of the games we have played this year are titles I’ve been wanting to play for sometime but just haven’t got around to.