Paul author and businessman and laundry-loving guy Patric Richardson has a new series streaming on Discovery+. The series runs through April 21, and each weekend until then, Richardson has been offering a tip from “The Laundry Guy.” (Richardson’s new book, “Laundry Love” was published March 31.) “The Laundry Guy” helps people deal with stains and other textile troubles. Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore. So many times people say to me, “I just don’t have time to do laundry.” The truth is this: You don’t HAVE to do laundry, you GET to do laundry.

Doing laundry is rarely anyone’s favorite task. But to Patric Richardson, laundry isn't just funit's a way of life. After years of running Laundry Camp at the Mall of America for thousands of eager learners, he's ready to share his tips, tricks, and hacksbringing surprise to this commonly. Grab a bottle of your favorite beverage and head to the laundry room. I promise when you say, “Honey, I’m going to the laundry room,” no one will follow you.

Schedule this time and do the laundry while you listen to your favorite book or podcast, stream your favorite show or just contemplate the great things in your life. If you are a laundromat user, put in your earbuds and zone out while your clothes come clean.Apr. The series runs through April 21, and each weekend until then, Richardson is offering a tip from "The Laundry Guy." (Richardson's new book, "Laundry Love" was published last week.) "The Laundry Guy" helps people deal with stains and other textile troubles. #THE LAUNDRY GUY PATRIC RICHARDSON BOOK SERIES# by Patric Richardson Hardcover 17.99 The Laundress - Stain Brush, Removes Stains on All Fabrics, Soft Bristles 11.50 (11.50/Count) The Laundress - Wash & Stain Bar, Vegetable Soap, Borax & Essential Oils, Laundry Soap Bar and Stain Remover, Travel and Wash Clothes, Allergen-Free, 2 oz 6.50 (3. "Everyone loves laundry that doesn't have static and is soft, but no one should love the artificial dyes and chemicals of dryer sheets and fabric softeners. When you are ready to toss your clothes into the dryer, here is a fun tip: Use a couple of wool balls and a ball of aluminum foil! Known for his popular 'laundry camps,' textile expert Patric Richardson knows everything about stains and reviving garments. On this series, Patric restores clients precious items like wedding dresses, family heirlooms, and baby clothes, while teaching practical laundry tips and tricks along the way. "The wool balls cause your clothes to tumble more and dry faster so you can use a shorter cycle and the aluminum foil ball removes static like a pro. To make a ball of aluminum foil, take a one-yard piece of foil and make a ball roughly the size of a tennis ball.
Laundry evangelist coupon code - Patric richardson, a laundry expert who runs the. When it shrinks to the size of a walnut, about 60 loads later, recycle and start over. #THE LAUNDRY GUY PATRIC RICHARDSON BOOK CODE# These camps sparked a revolution, prompting a book Laundry Love, now in its fourth printing and a television show, The Laundry Guy on HGTV and Discovery+. while reading laundry love: Host of the laundry guy on discovery+. Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore by Patric Richardson, Karin B. If you love scent, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a ball before you toss it in (I scent my sheets with peppermint and sleep like a baby). #THE LAUNDRY GUY PATRIC RICHARDSON BOOK SERIES#.#THE LAUNDRY GUY PATRIC RICHARDSON BOOK CODE#.